
List of Top Penny Stocks for 2022 and Beyond | TradingSim


In this article, we will cover a list of cent stocks you should keep an eye on for 2018 and beyond. Delight note this article is not a testimonial to buy these securities. For this study, we have defined penny stocks as securities currently trading at to a lesser degree $5 dollars.

Sol, without further ado, let's dive into the 11 top cent stocks of 2018 in terms of their sector, industry and a brief description of their primary run.

List of Penny Stocks – 11 Stocks to Consider

#1 – BioDelivery Sciences World-wide, Inc (BDSI)



Sphere: Healthcare

Industry: Ergonomics

Close: $2.78

BDSI specializes in a space that is very important and relevant to the whole US: the opioid epidemic. BDSI targets a very specific universe – people who have chronic pain management of necessity but are addicted to opioids. IT's a vicious condition: living with constant infliction and the only thing that provides relief has caused a horrible addiction. One of the drugs that has recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration is BUNAVAIL. It provides the same pain in the ass management of an opioid, but information technology prevents the addictive qualities of the drug. (

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#2 – Practical DNA Sciences, Inc (APDN)



Sector: Technology

Industry: Security Software and Services

Close: $1.28

APDN is a small cap accompany specializes in supply chain integrity and security. Their primary product is their SigNatureDNA – a plant-founded DNA – that is applied to a ware and then scanned to verify the DNA matches. One of the industries they are currently using this in is the cotton industry and the pharmaceutical industriousness. In the cotton cloth industry, specifically Supima cotton (Ground cotton), SigNatureDNA is applied to the actual fibers of cotton to verify that the cotton wool conveyed to China for production and then transmitted game is used – and not put on or of a cheaper select. ( wool-2/)

#3 – Credit entry Suisse Asset Management Income Fund, INC (CIK)



Sector: Commercial enterprise

Industry: Plus Management

Close: $3.17

CIK is ace, under $5, consistent monthly dividend stock ($0.02 unit of time dividend). They focus predominantly connected 'high buckle under bonds', which are generally 'rubble' bonds. Yet, the direction of CIK has consistently maintained a steady value spell generating consistent dividend distributions. Virtually of the capital is invested in soprano yield US corporate debt. A a ensue, in that respect is a weeny amount of exposure in US national debt and foreign debt.

#4 – Gold Imagination Corporation (GORO)



Sector: Basic Materials

Industry: Gold

Scalelike: $6.48

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Gold has certainly got the bargain down so far in 2018, only when gold is down, that's generally the time risk-averse investors and traders ilk to in conclusion plectron it up. GORO is a mining company and they also deliver a monthly dividend. One of the interesting dividend options for investors is to have their dividend save in somatogenetic gold vs a cash distribution ( They have had some difficulties with their mines in Mexico, but most recently their trading operations in Nevada sustain yielded significantly Sir Thomas More gold militia. They likewise mine a considerable amount of silver (often more silvern than gold).

#5 – Atlantic Power Corporation (AT)



Sector: Utilities

Industry: Electric Utilities

Close: $2.20

A rattling slim known, but well-operated light company, Ocean Power gives a Lot of future growth and value in the future. What is fetching about this company is that it is a fully independent power producer and has consistent long-term power purchase agreements. Today it used to be worth quite a bit more, but information technology faced much of difficulty during the big 'green' energy phase. The fact that it is still around should comprise very telling and displays positive management. And information technology's clear that institutional and insider ownership has a long-view on the bullish future for this company with 56.3% of the total shares owned by institutions. Non only that, but insider and institutional ownership minutes have enlarged by 13.44% and 3.72%, severally. (

#6 – Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (CLNE)



Sector: Utilities

Industry: Gas Utilities

Close: 3.24

If there is one sub $5 stock on this list that you should pay attention to, it's CLNE. CLNE is a natural gas service, just it's focused along making natural gas available in vehicles. This is actually a real head honch because they've attracted some big care. The huge enormous energy giant, Number, recently purchased a 25% stake in CLNE and agreed to provide adequate $100 million in credit. And what is that acknowledgment telephone circuit for? For putting natural swash operative trucks on the roadworthy. This something that non a lot of folks are thinking or talking virtually. The big battle in energy has been between all-electric vehicles VS bluster. But no one and only has really considered a clean burning and very available fuel: natural tout. This is something that could disrupt the status quo of electric and natural gas vehicles.

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#7 – Alaska Nerve Holding Corporation (AKS)



Sphere: Basic Materials

Industry: Steel &ere; Iron

Close: 4.63

If there is one industry that has been the focussing of geopolitical unpredictability, it's steel and aluminum. With all of the talks more or less tariffs Hera and tariffs there, steel has go a focal point. Without departure into the inner workings of the company itself, it's one of the fewer actual steel companies in the US and the tariffs will create higher prices for steel. Still, there's indefinite affair that should be recognized about this company: virtually 25% of the lendable shares are short. That's a crazy percentage by any stretch or mensuration.

So, what's bullish nigh that? A short-range squeeze. And with EPS this year at 453.3%, you can bet that embrace volition be a vehement one. (

#8 – AVEO Pharmaceuticals, INC. (AVEO)



Sector: Healthcare

Manufacture: Biotechnology

Close: $2.29

Renal cancer. A atrocious horrendous disease. This small detonator is session a value country where you can put your money into a life-preservation company. Its premier drug is Tivozanib, which is in Phase 3 here in the US. The big deal here is that it's already being used in the Europium, Norway and Iceland. Not every the sentence, but generally what is hunky-dory'd in the EU is o.k.'d here in the US. Institutions own 51.8% of this company and if Phase angle 3 goes well, AVEO is going to get a 300+ million milestone defrayment – that should be enough to keep goin things going.

Moreover, the affair I really like about this stock is that back in August of 2017, the EU approved Tivozanib, but then there was a macro drop in damage. Nigh that clock time, we had institutional possession rise and the price has 'suspiciously' remained low. See that a good sign in. The big money wants to pack taboo, rent out there shares to dumpy the heck out of this company. Because once Phase 3 is passed, expect buyout offers and cost to pass to the proverbial moon.

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#9 – Zion Oil and Gas (ZN)



Sector: Basic Materials

Industriousness: Absolute Oil and Gas

Close: $3.13

This is a really, very interesting company. It's non just an oil company that is come out of the closet to obtain and engender oil for just money's sake. This is a troupe with a very staunch pious and political purpose. It clearly states on its website: "Drilling for Israel's Political and Economic Independence." That is then followed by 'Inspired by Book of Genesis 49:25-26 and Book of Deuteronomy 33:13-16. Now, I make not really ever seen a company (certainly not an energy company) that is so very devout and open to its purpose. The site is filled with Scriptural prophesy supporting why and where they are drilling.

It's fascinating and cool. Besides the sacred and political reasons behind the company, we should take note of what the prodigious dogs are doing. And what are they doing? Purchasing. Like-minded crazy. 44.99% positive institutional transactions this subterminal quarter. That's massive. Now, there has non been a lot of anything found as outlying as oil or gas found. Merely when there is (and there will be), this is going to leap significantly higher, exceedingly higher. And at $3.13 a share, this is a stupidly silly price for a troupe that could become a super hub of energy influence in i of the most important geo-political regions in the world.

#10 – Pixelworks, Iraqi National Congress. (PXLW)



Sector: Technology

Industry: Semiconductor

Stopping point: $4.05

The Semiconductor industry has been nigh hot hot over the last few geezerhood. Then it's surprising to see a company in that region that is underperforming – and that demands some scrutiny. Pixelworks is certainly non in the duplicate kingdom as it's major peers like AMD, INTEL or NVIDIA. Pixelworks focuses connected a kind of niche: pel processing semiconductors. Essentially, topnotch advanced displays and exhibit engineering. What makes them very likable is the broad range of companies they bear on to develop partnerships with, specifically gambling companies, mobile companies, and projector companies.

Likewise, there is a very real job with modern applied science as it relates to what appears on our screens: the bridge 'tween the graphics organism processed then displayed on the screen is bottlenecked. If you are a gamer, your familiar with this issue on piping-end video cards. To pay off that, you take to get under one's skin a monitor that is compliant with Nvidia's G-sync applied science. Pixelworks, though is working with all the manufacturers to provide an internal GPU/C.P.U. to process the progressive images so they fall seamlessly from the processor to screen.

#11 – Hunt Companies Finance Trust (HCFT, officially OAKS)



Sector: Financial

Industry: REIT

Finale: $3.40

Officially OAKS, HCFT is a favorite among monthly dividend investors. The nominate and management change have certainly brought in the buyers. There was a probative dividend cut earlier in 2018 (and was known back in 2017) from $0.0333 to $0.02 and that caused another big dip Leontyne Price. Notwithstandin, since then prices have bottomed, flattened and straight-grained caught a trifle of a bid since then. In fact, besides the large amount of retail investors coming in, there have been significant purchases by institutions and insiders. What's Thomas More is that when you buy this sprout, it's like you're acquiring disengage money.

At the time of writing this clause, the al-Qur'an evaluate is sitting at $4.84 per share. And it's trading at $3.40. And it has a selfsame steady and loose 7% dividend. This is easily one of the best and great values not only in the penny stock category, only in any class. Improve and successful new direction coupled with a discount and an well sustainable 7% dividend? Preindication me up.

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